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Friday, August 9, 2013

How to Be Sure You Are Saved

How to Be Sure You Are Saved
Has anyone ever asked you the question, “Are you saved?” Have you wondered what “saved” means? Saved from what? From who? So, just what are we talking about when we use the word “saved?”
When people ask you if you are “saved,” they are referring to what the Bible calls, “salvation.” One meaning of this word has to do with your eternal life. That is, where you will spend eternity. To be “saved” is to be saved from going to hell. The question you want to ask yourself is this, “After you die, do you know for sure where you are going?” Are you absolutely confident that you will go to heaven?” If you can answer, “yes” to that question – you are probably “saved.” If you can’t answer “yes,” perhaps you are “half-saved.”
Now, don’t panic, we aren’t starting a new doctrine, we just want to challenge your thinking a little. In reality, there is no such thing as being “half-saved?” From God’s point of view, and from what the Bible tells us, you are either “saved” and on your way to heaven; or you are “unsaved” and on your way to hell. There is no in-between.
Now, of course, the first big question you should ask yourself is this: “Do I know for sure whether I am ‘saved’ or ‘unsaved’?” You may be like many people, who think, or at least hope, they are saved. Unfortunately, the problem is, if you do not know for sure that you are saved...then chances are you are not.
The second big question you should ask yourself is this: “What is the basis for your belief?” In other words, where do your beliefs about life after death come from? Your own opinions? Religious traditions? A preacher, priest or pope? Someone’s out-of-body experience? Or the Word of God – the Bible?
It’s our goal to help clear up any misunderstandings you might have about what it means to be “saved.” And perhaps you will be able to help others who may be in the condition we are loosely calling, “half-saved.”
Let’s take a moment to look at a very well known Scripture. Romans 10:9-10, tells us exactly how we can be saved. It says,“That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” We clearly see TWO conditions for being “saved.”
First Condition: Confess Jesus as your Lord.
Second Condition: Believe God raised Jesus from the dead.
How many people do you know that believe the “Second Condition,” but they didn’t even know there was a “First Condition?” How many people do you know who are “half-saved”?! What we mean by that is this: How many people do you know who believe God raised Jesus from the dead? You probably know dozens! That’s the “Second Condition.” That’s only “half” of the condition for being saved. How many people do you know that have sincerely confessed or called Jesus Christ their Lord with their own mouth? This is the “First Condition” to salvation. There are probably thousands of people who believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, but they have never confessed Jesus as their own personal Lord and the reality is that these people are NOT “half-saved”…they are not saved at all!
Why? The Bible tells us that even the devil believes that God raised Jesus from the dead…he watched it…and he trembles! (James 2:19) Well, we know that the devil is not saved, don’t we? You certainly don’t want to be in the same boat with the devil do you - believing in Jesus, but not allowing Him to be the Lord of your life?
It takes believing and confessing Jesus as your own Lord, to be saved! It takes both the “First Condition” and the “Second Condition” to be saved! If you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, you are “half-way” saved. You’ve taken care of the “Second Condition,” now just make the decision to do the “First Condition.” Confess Jesus as your Lord today. That means, humble yourself and invite Him into your life, to forgive you of all your sins and to sit as Lord in the throne of your life. Once you do, you will be “saved” and on your way to heaven!
Jesus said something very powerful in Matthew 10:32, “Whoever shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. But whoever shall deny Me before men, him will I deny before My Father which is in heaven.” If you confess Jesus as your Lord, He will confess you as His friend, before God the Father in heaven! In fact, Jesus said in order to see God’s kingdom, “ must be born-again...” (John 3:5) which is another way of saying you must be “saved.”
Because God loves people, He didn’t make being “saved” too difficult! Jesus did the hard part by taking our sins and dying on the cross. We have the easy part! “First Condition: We confess Jesus as our Lord.” “Second Condition: We believe God raised Him from the dead.” Then, we live according to our belief and confession!
So, where are you? Are you “saved?” Settle the question once and for all today. Be sure you are “saved!” Why don’t you seal your salvation by doing both Part A and Part B? It’s as simple as saying something like this from your heart, out loud to the Lord:
"Dear God, I want to be saved, I want to go to heaven. I believe You raised Jesus from the dead and I now confess and call Jesus my Lord. Lord, I ask you to help me to know You better. In Jesus Name. Amen.”

I Borrowed this from Lighthouse Family Church.